About me

My journey is unique and I am very grateful for it all. I didn’t get my first camera from my parents nor my uncles. It all began with a hard job in the hospitality industry. After saving a little money I bought my first camera and my great passion for photography was born.
Later on, I tried to take simple passion to a next level – to become a professional photographer. After almost 2 years of searching, trying, failing and not giving up, I was offered the chance to work in the Conrad Piepenburg Photography Studio. I am so thankful to him, for giving me a chance, for it was the missing key to doors to the world of professional photography. After this tough, yet incredible time, I started working as a photo and digital assistant in the Champions League of German photographers and had the opportunity to work along many skilled international photographers, such as – Simon Puschmann, Holger Wild, Emir Haveric, Alex Rank, Markus Wendler, Kai Uwe Gundlach and Tom Mennemann.
I have traveled the world from Oslo to Cape Town, from L.A. to Queenstown and all that in between. I have learned from the best.
I had achieved everything I could have at the time, but it’s time to go beyond. Even after those amazing years, collaborating with other photographers had to be left behind and so I started my own photography business. In my photography I specialize in travel, luxury hospitality and lifestyle photography.